Discover Naturopathic Health Solutions Suited to Your Needs
Natural Health Center’s Shopping Programs
I offer an extensive array of products. Some are only sold in my office or by calling to reorder. Many are available to you by clicking the links below. There are more products than I can stock and you get the freshest products from controlled rooms and not shopping warehouses.
The products I have chosen do not have magnesium stearate or titanium dioxide under “other ingredients.” These are cheap fillers and can cause digestive issues as reported by many sources. Most of your products purchased in the stores sadly have these ingredients.

On your first visit, I will recommend products and we can set up a shopping account in my office, Natural Health Center. You are also welcome to do this from your home. Easy shopping, free shipping over $49.00, and delivery within about 1–2 days. EASY and keeps you on track. If you have any questions,
call me at (949) 573-7390.
Here are the two nutritional websites to set up your account:
Simply create an account and login to order. Shop from home OR call my office to reorder.
Create an account
Just click on “Sign Up”
Other product lines I have in my office which can be called in:
All amazing high-end products!
- NuFem homeopathics for balancing hormones naturally
- Pekana
- San Pharma
- Syntrion
- Researched nutritionals
For Saliva Hormone Test Order: Please call my office.
For Heavy Metal and Mineral Hair Analysis: Please call my office.
For Tower Garden:
For iMRS PEMF Mat: